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Accepted papers
The list of the accepted papers has been plublished.
Please click here to access to the list of the accepted papers.
Extended deadline
Submission deadline for VECoS 2010 papers has been extended to April 15, 2010
Keynotes for VECoS '2010
This year, the VECoS will feature 3 Keynote speakers of international renommee:Invited speakers
Raymond Devillers : Deadlock Avoidance, Non-Linearity and Games
Deadlocks lead to interesting questions and techniques, more subtile than usually thought, that led to some mistakes or difficulties that we shall exhibit. In particular, we shall show how the introduction of an asymmetric game allows to correct a flaw in the deadlock avoidance field.
Keywords: deadlock, detection, prevention, avoidance, game interpretation
article -
Laurent Fribourg : Simulation + Uncertainty = Model-Checking
Methods based on numerical simulation are today intensively used for finding the correct values of input parameters of a numerical system. However, in presence of uncertainties or disturbances of the inputs, simulation methods cannot guarantee that the system always continue to behave satisfactorily. We present an alternative approach based on "model checking" that guarantees the robustness of the system in presence of uncertainty. We also explain how the model checking approach can be used to synthesise a feedback law in the case where one of the inputs is controllable.
Hans-Michael Hanisch : Building Closed-loop Models for Discrete Controller Design
This contribution is dedicated to design of discrete controllers in manufacturing at the sensor/actuator level as subset of discrete controller design. Closed-loop modeling is the core issue of automatic control and makes it a unique science. It must be therefore a major concern in the community dealing with discrete controller design to come up with closed-loop models as well.
extended abstract
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Formal Methods Europe |
Welcome to VECoS 2010
July 1-2, 2010.
VECoS 2010 will be held at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), in the center of Paris and close to the Pantheon, Notre Dame cathedral and the île de la Cité. The workshop is co-organized by CNAM and ENSTA with cooperation of MeFoSyLoMa Group, and sponsored by Formal Methods Europe.
The International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS) was created by an Euro-Maghrebian network of researchers in computer science. The first edition tooks place in Algiers 5-6 May 2007 (VECoS 2007), the second edition in Leeds 2-3 July 2008 (VECoS 2008), the third edition in Rabat 2-3 July 2009 (VECoS 2009). The aim of VECoS workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners, in the areas of Verification, Control, Performance, Quality of service, Dependability evaluation and Assessment, to discuss the state of the art for solving the challenges facing us today in various modern computer and communication systems in which functional and extra functional properties are strongly interrelated. Thus, the main motivation for VECoS is to encourage the cross-fertilization between formal verification and evaluation approaches, methods and techniques especially those based on the specification formalisms for concurrent, distributed and soft/hard systems. Beyond its technical and scientific goals, another main purpose of VECoS is to promote collaboration between participants in research and education in the area of computer science and engineering.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Model-checking
- Equivalence checking
- Abstraction techniques
- Compositional verification
- Parameterized verification
- Control synthesis techniques
- Probabilistic verification
- Performance and robustness evaluation
- Simulation techniques of discrete-event and hybrid systems
- Dependability assessment techniques
- QoS evaluation, planning and deployment
Application domains
Mobile systems, wireless communication, sensor networks , network protocols, internet telephony, real-time video, peer-to-peer systems, autonomous systems, adaptive systems, distributed and fault-tolerant systems, real-time and embedded systems, web based systems, safety-critical systems, architecture of computer hardware and systems software, grid computing, enterprise information systems, automated manufacturing and transportation systems, access control systems, provisionning systems, networked and ubiquitous robots.
Submission guidelines
Papers must be original contributions that have not been published previously, nor already submitted to other conferences/journals in parallel with this workshop. Practical experience reports and tools descriptions/demonstrations are welcome. Papers should be submitted electronically via the VECoS 2010 web site by uploading a self-contained PDF file. Papers should not exceed 12 pages using the Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC) format. The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification of the topics covered, preferably using the list of topics above. All submissions will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings available at the conference and published by the eWiC series of the British Computer Society. For each accepted paper, at least one author should register for the conference and plan to present the paper.
In order to submit a paper, you should first open an account at EasyChair :
The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised and extended version of their paper after the workshop to a related special issue of the International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS).
Important Dates
- Submission : April 15, 2010 (extended)
- Notification : May 27, 2010
- Camera Ready : June 7, 2010